Antique Gold Mesh Sovereign Purse in 9K Gold


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Vintage 9k gold mesh sovereign purse. The purse has a cut corner rectangular form with a curved end.

The lower border of this unusual piece is ornamented with eighteen drop style gold balls. The mesh section is yellow gold and the attractive curved frame has a beautiful rose gold finish. The purse secures with a ball style snap-clasp, which shuts with a satisfying click.

This purse would have originally been worn attached to a chatelaine. (A chatelaine is a decorative belt hook or clast worn at the waist with a series of chains suspended from it).

The purse measures 79mm long from top of clasp to end and 50mm wide at widest point on frame.  It weighs 22.5 grams and is stamped 9ct as illustrated in the attached images.

Price: 995 Euro

SKU: 587